Working life

21 februari 2016 - Bellmund, Zwitserland

What I can say about the first two weeks of my internship is that I started to respect the people with full time jobs out in the world a lot more, and that my student life in Groningen is actually quite easy and relaxed. No full working days from 8:00 AM - 17:00 PM where you actually have to be productive the entire day, without being able to watch some random show on Netflix, roam social media or taking many study breaks with friends. With this said, I really did enjoy starting to figure out what I will be able do with my education in the future and what I am capable of doing with it now.

Something I should probably mention, is that everything is in German here (not my strongest language), which is why I am kind of proud that I survived the first two weeks at work and that I could actually understand almost everything (regarding the fact that I only had German lessons for 2,5 years, 1-2 hours a week). Also, lucky for me, the people I have to work with do not speak Swiss-German to me, that would be a whole other story.

The first weekend I was here I went to "Fastnacht" (Karnaval) with some people, which was a pretty good experience, except for the fact that some random kid threw a fist full of confetti in my face during the parade. We went to a club, no ordinary club I should say. People from all parts of town come here to have a good time and smoking cigarets as well as weed is permitted here. If you have ever seen a Step Up movie, the part of the dance battles, well that was kind of how things went down at this club. Completely different from Groningen, but pretty interesting.

The second week of work went a lot better than the first and my colleagues and the company are really nice and I think I will be just fine there for the coming six months. On Friday we ended work with a game of poker, I believe I was actually kind of good at it! Yesterday I went to explore the town of Biel. It is a really pretty town and random fact, they even sell hagelslag in the supermarkets here! Today I walked from my house (I didn't mention it yet, but my landlord owns 3 horses, 2 dogs, 1 cat and sea turtles) to the Biel Sea, a very big and beautiful lake. The view is astonishing from here, nothing like the flat, dutch landscapes.

I guess this is enough for now. Until next time :)


2 Reacties

  1. Claudia:
    21 februari 2016
    Leuk, zet hem op en geniet!
  2. Femke:
    21 februari 2016
    Wat leuk geschreven Elies! En fijn dat je je zo vermaakt!!! Zet m op <3